Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Conservation of organic watterlogged materials with silicone oils
Methods of Conserving watterlogged organic materials with silicone oil method.

The archaeological conservation of watterlogged wood and highly perishable organic matterials has always been problematic due to the high degree and the rapid rate of deterioration that occurs within the matrix of the artifacts On 2000, the research on new technics and evaluation of treatments employded in the conservation of archaeological organic artifactst, the Conservation Laboratory of the Ephorate of Underwater Antiguities started an effort on using silicone oil ,a method that has been proposed fom Dr.C.Wayne Smith ,director of the Archaeological Preservation Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University .

The silicone oil method for stabilizing waterloggged materials involves a displacement of the water trapped with acetone,followed by the replacement of acetone with an hydroxyl-ended functional polymer and crosslinker.Because silicone oils do not mix with water ,all free flowing water must be removed to allow impregnation of the wood.This can be accomplished with solvent baths.To prevent stress ,a series of baths should be used ,starting with alcohol dehydration and working two or more acetone baths.

When considering a conservation strategy ,the best long -term interest of an artifact should always been the main concern and complete reversibility a desirable goal.Yet, retreatability may be more realistic

The method has been used for-Wood from the 3th century A.D Wreck of Syrna ,Kassiope Bay,near Astepalea
-Hazelnuts from the 16th century A.D Wreck of Zakynthos - Rope from the 16th century A.D Wreck ''La Therese'' of Herakleion,Crete.

Funding: Ministry of Culture and Sports



01/01/2000 - 31/12/2007

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Siarita Kouka
Administrator -Diver
Telephone: +30 210 92 35 105
Fax: +30 210 92 35 707
E-mail: akouka@culture.gr


  • Κουκά Α., Πρακτικά Ημερίδας 2008 Συντηρητών Αρχαιοτήτων & Έργων Τέχνης, "Μέθοδος συντήρησης υδατοκορεσμένων οργανικών υλικών με λάδια σιλικόνης", Athens, 2009, σελ. 139-142, Πανελλήνια Ένωση Συντηρητών Αρχαιοτήτων
  • Kouka S., Enalia, "Silicone oil method for waterlogged organic materials συντήρησης ", p. 84-89, Volume XII, Αthens 2009, Athens, 2009, σέλ. 84-89, Τόμος XII
  • Kouka S., Enalia, "Consarcation of waterlogged rope with silicone oil",, Athens, 2003, Τόμος VII, σελ. 104-108

