Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Sea room of Dia Island in Heraklion Crete
The aim of this research was to redefine the targets of the already detected ancient shipwrecks by the research of captain Cousteau, and the detection of new targets in a sea area with intensive ship traffic from the Prehistoric Times till now.
With the composite application of the Woods Hole technology became feasible to explore with absolute precision and systematically a sea room of more than 30 km in the Heraklion bay, south and east of Dia island.
The project had completely successful results since four unknown ship cargos with amphorae and utilitarian vessels of the crew were found. It's about two wrecks of the Roman Period , the one with cretan amphorae of the 1st -2nd cent. A.D. and the other with Late Roman amphorae (5th - 7th cent A.D.). Moreover, two more wrecks with byzantine amphorae, the one dated in the 8th -9th cent. A.D. and the second subsequently were discovered. Furthermore the cargo of wrecks with rodian amphorae of the 1st-2nd cent. A.D., which was partly excavated by a joint team of archaeologists of the then Ministry of Culture and Science and of Cousteau in 1976, was redetected.
All wrecks were documented by measurings and by the recovery of artifacts , were filmed and taken photos with high resolution for the creation of photomosaics.
Apart from the abovementioned, three shipwrecks of later times that are protected by the archaeological law as cultural objects and four areas of temporary anchoring (shelters), which are full of archaeological material of several periods and provenance (amphorae, utilitarian and table vessels, stone and leaden anchors, fishing weights etc.), were indicated.

Funding: Ministry of Culture and Sports, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


01/01/2011 - 31/12/2011

Related services:


Dr. Theotokis Theodoulou
Maritime Archaeologist
Telephone: +30 210 92 35 105
Fax: +30 210 92 35 707
E-mail: eena@culture.gr

