Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Zarko Trikalon
One of the most brilliant and noteworthy works of their kind in the early Christian architecture is the church that was revealed during the excavation project in 1972 by the Professor N. Nikonanos. It is a small three-aisled basilica with a narthex and apartments on the western side. According to Mr. Nikonanos, to the west of the narthex an oblong room was discovered and to the north of it a baptistery, a small basin. Inside the northern aisle are fragments of a mosaic floor.

During the operational programme for the construction of the national road Larissa-Trikala, the excavational projects that took place revealed numerous tombs (or burials) with two or more human skeletons and remarkable pottery and miniature art. Based on the excavational data, we came to the conclusion that this burial area was a result of a serious event (epidemic or pestilence) or invasion, but we cannot confirm this information, since it is mentioned neither in written sources nor in the history of the region. Later on, an oven with traces of ceramic material was found, unfortunately in bad condition, almost detrited (or weathered). All prementioned discoveries were buried, since there was no alternative solution, as far as the change of road’s direction was concerned, and with decision of the Ministry of Culture the works were completed and the road took its current form.


01/01/1971 - 31/12/1972

Related services:


Kristalia Mantzana
Archaeologist - Director of the 19th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities
Telephone: +30 24310 76647
Fax: +30 24310 76648
E-mail: 19eba@culture.gr

