Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

"The Restoration of the Holy Canopy of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem"

A collective work of the interdisciplinary team of the National Technical University of Athens is presented on the 4th of May at 19:00, in the amphitheatre “Stephanos Dragoumis” of the Museum of Byzantine Culture by the head of the team and scientifically responsible of the work Mrs. Antonia Moropoulou, professor in the above National Technical University and Chairman of the Delegation of the Technical Chamber of Greece.

This historic project was studied (May 2015 - January 2016) and was held (June 2016 - March 2017) under the scientific responsibility of the NTUA (Interdisciplinary Team for the Protection of Monuments, composed of: professor emeritus M. Korres, professor A. Moropoulou, professor A. Georgopoulos, professor K. Spyrakos, assistant professor Ch. Mouzakis), after the historic decision of the three Christian communities (Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Franciscan Order - Custody of the Holy Land-, the Patriarchate of the Armenians in Jerusalem).

The project was completed and handed over on 22 March 2017, in the presence of the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Pope’s representative and the Armenian Catholic Patriarch and of the Prime Minister of Greece and representatives from all the countries of the burning Middle East. The innovative methodology of the NTUA characterizes the new directions of advanced research in Europe and in the world and is linked to the dialogue processes for the unity of the Christian world and the leadership of Greece in the restoration of this unique world monument. This restoration work during its realization preoccupied the whole world. ​


04/05/2018 - 04/05/2018

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