Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Archaeological Museum of Drama

​Pamphlet  for the public, entitled "Archaeological Museum of Drama", which briefly refers to  the cultural history of Drama from the Paleolithic Age to the Modern Times.

Curatory Study: Ch. Koukouli-Chysanthaki

Texts: Ch. Chrysanthaki, K. Peristeri, E. Tsoyri, K. Trakosopoulou, K. Trandalidou, V. Poulios, N. Zikos, X. Savvopoulou, A. Emery Barbier, M. Magafa, P. Tsombos

Photographs: S. Stournaras

Editor: E. Papadopoulos
