The Department of Educational Programs and Communication is one of the five departments of the Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programs. The mission and competences of the Department of Educational Programs and Communication are stated in detail in Article 19(γ) P.D. No. 4 of 2018 (Gov. Gaz. 7/A/22-1-2018) "Organization of the Ministry of Culture and Sports" and primarily involve:
a. The planning, organization and realization of archaeological educational exhibitions and educational programs, as well as the realization of events of educational and communication character in archaeological sites and museums.
b. The promotion of the educational and communication activities of the Museums.
c. The production of educational material and the promotion of research on issues within the competence of the Department.
d. The scientific support of the services of the General Directorate for the organization of educational programs, activities and events, as well as keeping a relevant archive - catalog.
e. The cooperation with the Organizational Units of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage (G.D.A.C.H.) to increase visitor numbers and provide high-quality services to archaeological museums and archaeological sites.
f. The conditional approval of educational programs in archaeological sites and museums in the territory by entities that are not part of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage (G.D.A.C.H.).
g. The granting of guiding licenses without remuneration and the monitoring of issues relating to the profession of tour guides within the Greek territory.
Address: 5 Themistokleous str, 106 77, Athens
Τelephone: +30 210 3321755, +30 210 3321709, +30 210 3321764