Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Department of Archaeological Museums and Collections

Description - Responsibilities:

The Department of Archaeological Museums and Collections pertains to the Directorate of Archaeological Museums, Exhibitions and Educational Programmes, according to the Presidential Decree 4/2018 (FEK A’ 7) “Structure of Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports”, as it has since been modified.
The Department of Archaeological Museums and Collections is responsible for:
A.  processing and monitoring issues regarding foundation, organisation, operation and expansion of state and private archaeological museums and collections as well as supporting projects with reference to recording, storage, display and re-display of antiquities in the frame of museological and museographic design, the making and presentation of permanent archaeological exhibitions (including the digital ones)
B. superintendence of ecclesiastical (church) museums in collaboration with the competent Services of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage (GDACH)
C. exchange of ancient artifacts, including among others, issues of purchase, donations and long-term loans of cultural goods based on relevant articles of the Law 4858/2021 (FEK A’ 220)
D. accreditation of archaeological museums and keeping  the Registry of archaeological and other accredited museums, in collaboration with the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage
E. drafting, producing or processing museological studies for the museums under its authority
F. approval of granting awards to civilians for delivery or indication of movable or immovable monuments to the State
G. drafting and updating the policy for imposition and rates of entry fees for archaeological sites and museums as well as defining the free of charge visits in archaeological sites and state archaeological museums
H. drafting and updating the policy for imposition and rates of photography, filming and in general depiction of antiquities, use of images and texts in printed publications and items, for commercial or non-commercial use
I. approval of publications sales at the country’s archaeological sites and archaeological museums shops
J. defining the operation hours of the state’s museums, sites and monuments
K. approval of transfer for ancient movable artifacts (further from the boundaries of the Ephorates of Antiquities or the Special Regional Services of GDACH) for purposes other than display
L. approval of construction, production, sale and export of ancient artifacts copies, in collaboration with the Ministry’s competent Services
M. granting of permit for temporary use of the museums permanent exhibitions venues for implementing artistic and other cultural events which fall within the article 46 of the Law 4858/2021 (FEK A’ 220)
N. approval of filming requests when they involve more than one state museums
O. forwarding requests for compulsory purchase of properties relating with construction and operation needs of state archaeological museums
P. approval of operation for archaeological storage rooms intended for storage of finds from rescue or systematic excavations, in collaboration with the competent Services of GDACH
Q. prompting and speeding up administrative procedures for the preparation of projects’ accession  in co-funded programmes as well as processing proposals from the Special Regional Services and the Museums of GDACH in collaboration with other competent Services of the Ministry.
Finally, the Department has undertaken the co-ordination at a national level of the events that are annually designed and implemented at archaeological sites, museums and monuments in the frame of celebrating the European Heritage Days.​


Douma Eleftheria
email: edouma@culture.gr

Is under:

Contact Info:

Address: Themistokleous 5, 106 77, Athens, Greece

Telephone.: ++30 210 3321704, ++30 210 3321710, ++30 210 3321776

E-mail: tdams.dmeep@culture.gr